Lisa Buckland, The University of Tokyo

Partaking in a spring internship at SideKick gave me key insights into the creation of social impact-driven campaigns in the Southeast Asian mediascape. The work environment within a relatively small permanent team meant that I was able to gain exposure to the whole process involved in creating engaging media campaigns and participate in various tasks.
Throughout my internship I gained skills in pitch research and campaign method brainstorming as well as assisting with presentations. The small, friendly team meant that all ideas could be considered and synthesised. The internship focused as much on results as on teaching skills in impact campaign creation and Tul, Sidekick's Founder, was always willing and eager to teach about how best to explore the local and regional media landscape and engage various demographic groups via online and offline strategies.

The internship allowed me to see the whole process of media campaigns from start to finish, understanding how to assess the efficacy of campaigns. I had the opportunity to take part in a variety of online tasks, such as creating blog content and formatting the new website, as well as offline tasks, such as a conference presenting new ILO legislation, accompanying during pitches and assisting with university field trips.
The impact of COVID-19 though unexpected posed a new challenge in the company to adapt to the new order and to create new, creative methods to campaign online. This involved much consideration and brainstorming sessions on how to shift to online campaigning in an innovative manner. Overall, the internship provided me with a unique insight into effective social impact media campaigning as well as into media use and the means and modes of interaction of Thai society with social movements and causes.